You can get organized financially.
Dan can help you get organized so that your finances no-longer seem like they are in a junk drawer. Once you understand the structure of your finances you will begin to see WHAT you are doing financially. You will begin to ask yourself suitable questions to receive coaching.
You can learn the cause and effect of financial strategies.
Being an educator by trade, Dan has a passion for helping people learn about finances. For those willing to learn, Dan will spend time educating you about the cause and effect of financial strategies.
You can learn how to coordinate your financial strategies.
Through economic testing you can learn how the coordination of financial strategies may help improve your overall financial efficiency.
For those who are still in the accumulation phase of life, the goal is to help you obtain more liquidity, use and control of your own wealth.
For those at or near retirement, Dan will help you design an income plan designed to allow you to enjoy the wealth you have been able to accumulate.